FREE: Dr. Muscle Is Now Free to Use—But You Can Upgrade for More

Bodybuilding champion Jonas train with the Dr. Muscle app
World Natural Bodybuilding Champion Jonas Notter trains with Dr. Muscle

At Dr. Muscle, we believe in honesty and fair, transparent pricing.

So, is our AI personal trainer really free?

We'll be upfront: yes, but some features are limited on the free plan.

Dr. Muscle's free plan in a nutshell

A personal trainer in your pocket. With 23+ smart features, Dr. Muscle gets you in shape faster on autopilot using AI. It's the world's smartest workout app.

We believe in honesty. Unlike other apps, we want to be transparent here.

We don't believe in ads. We don't sell your data either. No gimmicks.

Small, self-funded team. Our mission is to make the world a fitter place. Without ads, we depend on your support.

All premium features free for 2 weeks. The app automates everything, like an expert trainer.

Free plan after 2 weeks. Only one exercise recommendation a day. You manage the rest of your progress. Upgrade for unlimited recommendations (and more).

Exclusive community. As a paying subscriber, you can suggest and vote for new features, chat with the team, connect with other forward-thinking lifters, and more.

In 2016, we set out to build the best workout app and make the world a fitter place.

Since then, we've made Dr. Muscle the world's smartest workout app. With 23+ smart features, it gets you in shape faster, on autopilot. It's like a personal trainer in your phone. In fact, with AI, it could very well replace human trainers soon.

By design, we're a small, self-funded team. We don't chase investors. We don't sell your data. We don't believe in ads either. We're focused on building based on your feedback, and we depend on your support.

We believe in honesty and fair, transparent pricing. So, we want you to make an educated decision. To see if the app is right for you, you can try it completely free for as long as you like before you spend a single penny.

Here's how that works.

Free plan vs paid: What's included?

  • All premium features during your 2-week free trial. This includes unlimited recommendations for your exercises, completely free.
  • If you cancel, you move to the free plan automatically after 2 weeks. Continue using the app for as long as you like on the free plan.
  • Only one exercise recommendation a day on the free plan. That is, the app will continue to compute your reps, sets, and weights for optimal progress—but only for your first exercise that day.
  • For your other exercises, you will see what you did on your last workout. How you progress on those exercises will be up to you.
  • You will also lose access to the following premium features:
    - Automated deload
    - Automated challenge
    - Automated light sessions (when you return after a break)
    - Calories, macros, and body weight coaching
    - AI chat
    - Many more advanced features

To continue having access to all premium features, please consider supporting us. You can subscribe either monthly (2 weeks free) or annually (4 months free).

Ready to try it out? Start your trial to download the app. It's free.

Thanks for giving us a shot. We hope to be long-term partners on your fitness journey.


Dr. Carl Juneau, PhD
Founder of Dr. Muscle


Dr. Muscle free plan?

Yes! Dr. Muscle has a free plan. Here's how it works: when you download Dr. Muscle, you get a free trial that includes all the features. This allows you to experience everything the app has to offer. Unless your subscribe, after 14 days, your plan will be downgraded automatically to a free version with limited features. Learn more:

How to cancel

It's easy to cancel. Just email us at for a prompt and courteous response in 1 business day.

Dr. Muscle is too expensive

Our free plan is completely free.

But our premium plan is expensive. It's true. But why?

  • We're also more advanced than other apps, so you get in shape faster with us. As proof, you can check out our customers reviews or this in-depth comparison of the 5 best bodybuilding apps. We ranked #1.
  • To put things in perspective, we've invested over $1,250,000 into our app. And we've released new updates almost every week for a few years now (46 updates in 2021, see our timeline).
  • Is it worth it? Consider the costs to your health, productivity, and well-being of staying in less than optimal shape.

If that's still too much for your budget, you may be able to join our beta program.

Beta program?

Email us at to learn more.

Do you offer discounts?

We do not offer special discounts, ever. Not even on Black Friday. Our only discounts are:

  • 2 weeks free on the monthly plan
  • 4 months free a year on the annual plan
  • 6 months free a year when you join our beta program (email us to see if you qualify)

We also have a generous free plan you can stay on for as long as you wish.

Will I be charged when my trial expires?

Yes, you will be charged after your trial ends. But it's easy to cancel. Just email us anytime for a prompt and courteous response in 1 business day. After you cancel, you will be moved to the free plan automatically.

What happens when you raise prices?

We've raised prices three times since launching the app.

What if I have more questions?

Please email We usually reply in 1 business day, Monday to Friday.